International Hockey

CHL Virtual Press Conference – live on Tuesday, 13:30 CEST

CHL Virtual Press Conference – live on Tuesday, 13:30 CEST

Shortly before the first puck drop of the upcoming season, the Champions Hockey League runs a virtual kick-off meeting for media representatives and fans. Join the event online on Tuesday, 3 September, 13:30 CEST:


During this event, CHL representatives will provide a brief overview of the upcoming season, while five selected Head Coaches will share insights into their ambitions and goals. All other head coaches will also be heard, and access to in-depth interviews with them will be shared.
CHL Representatives: Jörgen Lindgren (President), Monika Reinhard (COO), Philip Schuler (Marketing & Events Director), Fadri Holinger (Sport Manager)
Head Coaches (live presence): Jan Cadieux (Genève-Servette ), Robert Ohlsson (Skellefteå AIK), Aaron Fox (Sheffield Steelers), Alexander Sulzer (Pinguins Bremerhaven), Nik Zupančič (Unia Oświęcim)

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